Month: February 2014

  • Long Time, No See

    I haven't written in a long time.  Last month commenced with good intentions, but alas, our driver pool had slipped from the 56 authorized to 46, and the busiest time of year builds from New Year's Day up until Super Bowl, so I ended up on the road for all but two of the last 15 days of the month.  I'd complain, but I have a job that pays good, and the only reason I don't have another is because I've  not chosen to search wholeheartedly for another, so it's my own fault.  Now, I have a day, maybe two in a row, off from work, so I have no excuse.   Writing is like cycling.  It's something I love, but the longer I go without, the easier it is to continue without noticing.  For me both cycling and writing are catharsis.  I am somewhat of a brooder, and I easily fall into a bit of depression, but I'm not a person who an comfortably stay that way, so early in life I learned that vigorous exercise gets me back to feeling like a human being.  I was always a writer, not in the professional sense, just in the "guy who likes to put thoughts down on paper" way.  And so, despite the hiatus, here I sit, writing.  My wife, figuring out after almost 18 years of marriage, that  I'm a better human being after I've brutalized myself on the bicycle, got me a machine for my birthday, that allows me to mount my bike and ride indoors during the snowy, icy days in the middle of winter, so now I have no excuse for being anything other than a shining example of what a man should be.

    So here's the quick update.  Home study is almost completed, as it appears my SIL is too far in the grasp of her drug to recover, at least before her extension runs out, so it looks like our family will grow by one sometime this summer.   The judge gave her six more months, so if she can stay clean that long, there is some hope.   My wife was diagnosed formally today with diabetes, though she's known for years it would be coming.  My 16 year old, Sam, got the lead alto part in the spring musical, so she's busy rehearsing, and after not being allowed to photograph the last production due to copyright stuff, we have come to a solution that satisfies all.  I will be present at a couple dress rehearsals and will photograph to my heart's content at the behest of the theater program.  They really liked my pics last time I was able to shoot, so everyone comes out happy.   They will get copies of all the good shots to use for their purposes and I will gain some invaluable experience.  Other than that, I have not pushed the job search much, but will get it more in motion when our slow season comes around in a couple weeks.  There has been a lot of drama with managers quitting and being fired, and a lot of employees doing the same, so I'm hoping maybe corporate will intervene and things will improve to a point where the search for a new job might again be directed toward promotion at my current company.

    I hope you all are doing well.  I haven't even read your blogs lately, but am commencing to do just that. I look forward to discovering what you have all been up to while I've been away.  Now, though, I have to run off to get the landlord to sign a paper, so we can get a new dog.  It's all my son has wanted since we had to put down Buster several years ago, so this year, we're thinking that may be his birthday gift.  I'll update soon.