Somehow, Thanksgiving came and went, and I haven't sat down and posted.
Here's a pic I took with my iPhone Thanksgiving day. This was in the Shenandoah Valley, where you can find the largest portion of my route.

I managed to wrangle an early dispatch time for my load on Wednesday, the day prior to the holiday. My truck would be ready at 1am for a 2 am dispatch, so I could get my load out early, miss traffic, and be home midday Thanksgiving. Tina and the kids would cook , and we would have our dinner that evening. All was working to plan. I called in at 6 pm Tuesday for my update to find that they had deleted a route, so I would have extra stops, and my load would be much heavier than expected. I ended up sleeping in a bit, so I didn't make it to the job 'til 1:45 am.
I got to work, walked in and checked the screen to find out which trailer was mine and at which door I could find it. The square beside my load was red. Uh-oh! That meant they either hadn't started loading my trailer, or more likely, the loader had started loading but not checked into the computer properly. I searched out the shift leader, and when he saw me, and his face fell, I knew the news was bad, "We're waiting for another guy to get back so we can use his trailer to start loading you."
"WHAT?" There was no sense getting angry at him. All the decisions that led to the problem had been made by the previous Sunday by people who were now home, sleeping soundly in their beds. I went to the driver's room and did all my pretrip paperwork, then went out to the car and slept. Around 8 am, someone banged on my window to tell me my load was almost ready. I counted the load to make sure everything was there, loaded all my stuff into the cab, checked tires, brakes and lights and was off a little before 10. Traffic around Washington DC added another hour and a half to my morning. I knew by this point, the sun would have long set before I got home Thursday night. Needless to say, my wife was not very happy when she heard the news. We decided to just have our dinner Friday evening.
Thurday night around 10, I finally made it home.
Next morning, bright and early, Tina was off to work. She would work 'til 5, which meant dinner preparation was on me and the kids.
Isa and Sandra made a blueberry pie. Isa was a bit surprised at exactly how sour the lime turned out to be.

Grace may not have been perfectly happy to have been photographed unexpectedly, while making her key lime pie.

The pie didn't seem to mind, so I photographed it again.

Of course Bella was ever present, waiting for some crumbs to fall on the floor.

We had a new visitor to the bird feeder that afternoon. I think it was a white breasted nuthatch.

Then Grace decided it was her turn to take pictures while their pies cooked and insisted I sit still for her to try shooting in window light, which I had told her is one of the most flattering light sources. I guess she thought I was the person in most need of a flattering light source.

Sam decided to get in on the fun and told us all to make big eyes, like Jonathan from Dancing With the Stars. I don't think there's any amount of facial contortion that will cause my eyes to be big, and you can see, I tried.

When we heard Tina was going to be coming home early (Her boss was nervous that we might burn the house down with just me and the kids cooking) we fixed the last of the dishes and put them in the oven.
Rebekah set the table.

We finished some last minute cleaning and vacuuming, and when Tina got home, we put the rolls in the oven and dinner was served. We had no guests this year, but it was a really pleasant evening anyway and I'm thankful we were all able to be in one place at the same time to celebrate it together. As fast as the kids are growing up, that could soon become a thing of the past, as they start going off to college and starting careers.

So despite life conspiring to rob us of our holiday, we enjoyed it just the same, only a day late. I think it may have even been better for Tina, because she came home to a clean house, all the preparation dishes cleaned and put away and dinner almost ready to be set out on the table. We had dinner, then relaxed for a while and set up and decorated our tree before calling it an evening.